Monday, February 28, 2011

Cooking on a weeknight...

A few days ago, Laura came over to have a spontaneous dinner with Steve and I. She brought her homemade whoopie pies and Steve made a sausage pasta ragu. I made a beet & broccoli dish with chive aioli and a Waldorf Salad topped with a cheesy lattice. I left work a few minutes early so I would have time to pick up the ingredients and start prepping before Laura arrived and Steve got home. Those few minutes alone in the kitchen were just what I needed. I find that prepping food and cooking up something new is one of the best ways to decompress after a long day. It's especially nice to be able to share the fruits of your labor with friends. Dinner was tasty and Laura's whoopie pies were a divine dessert treat!


  1. i will happily provide dessert pretty much any time there are cheese flags, candied bacon, AND the calming domestic sounds of the dishwasher. xx

  2. YES. Next time we'll do a load of laundry at the same time.'s too much.
