Saturday, March 27, 2010

Food for thought.

So, here's something that's been at the forefront of my mind over the last couple of days. Evaluation: Assessing where you are, what you want and where you would like to be. It's good to check in with yourself every once and awhile. I've just finished up a project that required much of my time and energy for the last month. Today, I took a breath and it felt great! Before the weekend began though, I couldn't help but recognize some cues around me that led me to this thinking.

One of my colleagues at work shared a documentary with us called
Lemonade, directed by Marc Colucci. While some of it's content is pretty heavy, it's inspiring too to see people discover what they love and make a career out of it!

After work on Friday, I went over to my friend Kate's house. She's decided to start up a business. She has always loved candy. So, she is going to make it and sell it. The first items up for grabs are these delicious looking and tasting gourmet marshmellows! Cinnamon, Almond, Vanilla, many flavors! I think I had six of them at her open house. I am really excited to see her business grow! She's a great person with lots of drive and an undeniable sweet tooth. Congrats Kate, for taking the first steps. What an adventure! Oh, and you can order them here:

While I was online this evening, I ran into this: "Don't ever be really good at something you don't really want to do."

It's such a common sentiment but, I'm glad I read it tonight. It makes you think about what you're doing with your time. You do have a choice after all. It's good to get reacquainted with that truth every once and awhile.

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