Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Tonight was wonderful. I had an amazing conversation with two incredibly inspiring people who I've known for years. We talked about the weather (which was particularly shitty today) we talked about her, we talked about him, we talked about them and we talked about me. In the end, it  was about about good food, education, ideas, experience, evolution, acceptance and forgiveness. Know what you want and GO OUT AND FUCKING GET IT!

Venice, Italy
 Dubrovnik, Croatia
 Somewhere on the Adriatic Sea...
Barcelona, Spain
 Nice, France
 Pisa, Italy
 Tuscany, Italy
 Rome, Italy
 Dawn, just off of Sicily, Italy
 Amalfi Coast

Monday, September 17, 2012

Places and no people?

Pictures, pictures, pictures...I'm learning how to take them and in the process I'm finding out what I gravitate towards. Sometimes I'm not even aware of my tendencies until I see what I've shot. I like symmetry. I like simplicity. I like soft light and natural expressions. I guess I don't love massive crowds. There are no people anywhere in my pictures except my mom and sister!! Kind of strange. I swear, Europeans do exist and not just topless out on balconies. 
Kotor, Montenegro
Venice, Italy
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Barcelona, Spain!!
Nice, Italy
Florence, Italy

Sunday, September 16, 2012

European Teaser...

Just a quick note to share a few pictures from our trip to Europe earlier this month. I'll have just shy of 200 when I'm done. Yikes! More soon.

Mediterranean Storm.

Well, hello there! Is anyone there? It's been over a month and a half since I last posted but, I finally have some time to slow down and reflect on the places I've visited and experiences I've had--one being an insane lighting storm while cruising from Nice, France to Livorno, Italy. The picture below isn't perfect but, it was pitch black and I was on a ship that was rocking and rolling in the stormy sea. The victory wasn't getting the picture...it was not peeing in my pants when the storm got close. Maybe I should have retreated to my stateroom but, I'm happy to have captured this. I've never experienced anything like the echo the thunder made out there on the open water. The whole display was stunning.