Monday, September 7, 2009

Sewing Project: Phase II

Yesterday morning, I went over to Allison's to start work on Phase II of my sewing project. I'm learning that making something like this is no small task. The first item on the agenda was cutting out the pieces for the lining. Here it is put together in it's (almost) final form. There were a few missteps along the way but, AB didn't let me get too far off course. There are some mistakes that are helpful to make so you can learn. Sometimes, you sew it up and then rip it out. In my case, I had to do this about 4 times on one seam! I was ready to compromise the pattern. AB wasn't having that. She said, "This is how you learn" and took the two pieces I had just sewn and ripped them apart. I said, "Nooo!" and laughed it off.
She had the perfect cure for my sewing frustrations. Mimosas!
It's getting there! 
Here is the cut out that tripped me up earlier in the process. I have a new appreciation for these small details. They are what makes a piece look special once it's done. So, don't skip them.

AB and I will meet up one more time to finish this piece. The next step is finishing the top and bottom, and then adding the zipper. Thanks again much fun!

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