Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A tiny army.

This morning, my shower worked! I picked up my delicious coffee, hailed a cab in about :05, arrived to the studio early, and finally met the photo shoot crew members in person. There were so many hands to help get things done. Then, breakfast. Where was it? At 8:15, I wondered. At 8:20, I called. At 8:30, I got a call back. "Delivered to the wrong address?" What can you do.  At 9:05 our crew ate and things really got rolling. We spent the rest of the day about an hour behind for one reason or another. 

There are so many details on a shoot that are flexible. When it comes the number of required shots vs. the number of hours in a day, there isn't much room to move. If there are too many you either need to eliminate shots or choose to go over the negotiated 10 hour day. Today, we scaled back as needed but, still went an hour over. On the bright side, we learned an awful lot about what will make tomorrow and Thursday run more efficiently. Thank goodness for that.  

I'm back at the hotel. I just dove into my dinner...room service and emails. Tomorrow night's post shoot activities are keeping me going just now. Looking forward to seeing you!

The Breslin Burger: 
My tiny army of condiments:
Tomorrow, Day 2.